Are you answering your Soul’s Calling?

After 10 years of 1:1 healing and coaching and working with beautiful clients, I was devastated. I’d become so burnt out, so exhausted and so overwhelmed to the point, that I was questioning if I should actually keep my business. It was breaking my heart because I knew that healing and helping others was my …

How to increase your Money flow

Let’s Talk Money……    Money is one of those words that can be very loaded for so many people.  I used to have a love/hate relationship with it. I felt it controlled my life and had the ability to make my dreams come true or take them away.  I was giving all my power away …

What do you wish were true

What do you wish was true for you?  Feeling freer, feeling happier, having more energy, having more money, having a better relationship, feeling awesome in your body???????   What opposing thoughts beliefs do you have about what you wish was true for you?  It can’t happen for me, I don’t have time, this is as …

Sending you Love on Valentines Day

Wishing you a beautiful Valentine’s Day. Valentines Day can bring up a lot for so many people….. We can question our lovability, our partnership, and or it can be a beautiful celebration of self-love and or the joy you have created in your intimate relationship.  In today’s Live Video I share 3 Tips for creating …

Today is the day things get to change for you!

Today is the day things get to change for you! Are you waking up with continual brain fog? Are you exhausted and overwhelmed at the start of the day? Are you second guessing yourself and feeling insecure and self-doubt? Have you lost your libido and passion for life? That was me….. When I went through …


The story that I tell about myself everyday massively impacts every area of my life….. I was constantly pushing myself, always striving needing to be better than I was the day before, needing to do better, needing to accomplish more and more…. I felt like I was never good enough, That it didn’t matter what …

Honoring your Feminine Cycle

Honoring your Feminine Cycle is so important…. I had become robotic and just moving through the motions… I was just used to pushing through… It didn’t matter what day of the month it was, I expected myself to perform with the same or even better productivity levels than the day before. I would feel so …