Are your fears holding you back?

Are you holding yourself back out of fear? 

Yesterday I noticed huge resistance come up in me, I’ve realised that with everything going on in the world, I had been dropping in my frequency and had been feeling my own and the collectives fear a lot more than I’d like to admit. 

I realised that so many past triggers of trauma have been triggered for me and even though I had been working through them, primarily I’d been living from my survival brain. I always do my best to bring myself back to living from my heart centre and a place of love, but noticed that I’d been holding myself back out of fear and uncertainty.

We can do this consciously and unconsciously. 

With so many unknowns and so much uncertainty, we can end up holding back from deciding and creating what it is that we want to do, out of fear that it may not happen or something might stop us. 

This stagnates our energy. 

We end up feeling more powerless and can drop into feeling more like a victim of our circumstances, or losing the passion the joy and the freedom of living as a divine creator. 


Holding ourself back out of fear, also creates burnout and exhaustion. It takes so much energy to put the brakes on life living through you. That pulsating creative life force energy that is so passionate about expressing itself. When we hold back out of fear, it causes us to feel massive resistance.

It’s the resistance which is exhausting, it’s like continuing to try to swim upstream, instead of letting go of the fear and allowing ourself, to float downstream with ease, joy and fun. 

This is why so much fear stress and worry also impacts the physical body and makes it harder and harder to get out of bed everyday. 

I get it, with so many unknowns it can feel difficult to make plans. Yet to put our life on pause, until we get certainty back, is life draining. And if you think about it, uncertainty has always been there, it may have just been in a different form from what we’ve experienced the last 2 years.

This is where alignment, trust, faith and belief are so important.

And self-love. 


We were born to live fully into freedom, 

We were born to live as a divine creator, 

We were born to live to bring our hearts desires and true wishes into reality and share our gifts with the world. 


When you are in alignment, so much life force energy flows through you.

When you are in alignment, life feels magical and it is! 😉 

When you are in alignment, things seem to just work out, without us knowing how.

When you are in alignment, life truly just gets better and better. 


Letting go of your fears and embracing the adventure and uncertainty of life is so powerful, 

It truly does bring back the joy, the excitement, the curiousness of how it’s all going to happen, yet it’s a child like eager state, just like the night before Christmas! 

So much energy can flow through our body when we are open and embracing life, instead of contracting and tightening with fear and stress. 

Not only will you feel so much better everyday, but you will set yourself free. 

Every human being longs to feel free and I believe the biggest thing that they wish to feel free from is fear…. 

You don’t have to change anything outside of yourself to embrace your sense of freedom, your sense of possibility. 

All you have to do is be willing to explore life, with curiosity and wonder. 

A question I ask myself if fear is arising and I feel the resistance, is what is the worst thing that could happen and could I handle that? 

When I’ve confronted my worst fear, and know that I could handle it, even if it’s not what I wanted, then I know that the risk is worth it. I know that I could consciously risk that and be ok and that going for my deepest hearts desires, is absolutely worth risking that for. 

You have an incredible opportunity right now. 

To step into your higher self,

To step into your freedom,

To live from the depths of who you truly are.


Will you answer your hearts calling? 


With Love and Blessings,

Always in All Ways,


Sal xox 



I’m super excited!! I’m in the process of creating my 4 Week Self-Love course, this will be diving into all things with totally embracing and loving who you are, being yourself fully, having the courage to pursue your dream life and create it exactly the way you want to.

To let go of holding yourself back, of feeling that you are not enough and that you are never going to get there. 

To become the master of your emotions and to truly step into your own personal freedom of being unapologetically you!

If you’d like to know more details, just send me an email at We will be kicking off on the 4th of January, ready to start the New Year, Fresh!!!! 

And if you are tired, exhausted and know that you have been living in stress and fear and that you are just continually waking up dreading the day and dragging yourself out of bed, make sure you book in your Breakthrough Burnout Free Call. This is where we get clear on what’s really causing your burnout, and get clear on your 12 week Plan, to heal burnout, once and for all! 

Apply here Now!

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