Bigger dreams aren’t always better dreams.

Bigger dreams are not always better dreams….

In today’s world, we can feel all sorts of pressures to be building bigger businesses, making more money, and doing more things and we can all tend to fall into the trap of comparisonitis at times and feel like we haven’t been successful enough, if we aren’t creating $XXX amount of dollars, or haven’t yet built that global empire.

At the start of this year, I consciously made a big decision, to strip everything back and really simplify everything in my business.

For quite a few years I had been trying to radically scale it to a 7 Figure income and could never fully get my energy behind it, because the truth in my soul was, it didn’t feel fully aligned for me.

The freedom and relief I felt from making this decision felt absolutely amazing and not to mention I saved a sweet $24k per year, in business expenses from stripping everything back.

It felt so good and so aligned.

I’ve never wanted a big business that ends up consuming my life,
I’ve never wanted the responsibility of having a huge team, that I needed to ensure I had continued and ongoing work for.

And there’s nothing wrong at all for people that want this and have this.

The thing is, we need to do what’s right for ourself.

I love helping people and making a difference and also doing it in a way that also allows me to live life in a way that feels true to my soul expression is one of my greatest values.

I value my time and freedom so much, that I’ve not ever wanted something that could end up taking over my whole life or starts to dictate to me what I can and can’t do with my time and this is also why I love passive income so much.

This was also hugely shaped for me, by being a single Mumma to my two girls for 12 years and needing to ensure that I not only had the financial resources to support us but also had the energy, physical and emotional presence when I was with my girls.

So if you’ve been feeling that pressure to build big and uplevel, and it hasn’t felt aligned for you, I invite you to give yourself permission, to truly want and have what feels right for you.

Take time to tune in and listen to your heart.

Take time to know what is right for you, especially depending on what season or chapter you are currently experiencing in your life.

Listen to your soul’s guidance.

Living our own unique soul’s expression and heart desires will be the things that feel amazing for you, that light your heart up and feel fully aligned.

Love and Blessings,

Sal x

If you are like me and truly value your time freedom and being able to live life on your own terms and you would love to create more passive income, then email me at for more info.

(In August last year I found a way that in just 10 months matched my 6 Figure business, 100% passively.)

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