How much Joy are you experiencing each day?

How much joy I’m experiencing each day in my life, is one of my greatest measures of success.

Success can mean so many things to so many people,

It can be a certain amount of money created each year,
It can be a particular house, or car, or other material items,
It can be how much they’ve contributed, or helped others,
It can be what their external appearance is,

It can be how fit or athletic they are,
It can be how great a parent they are,
It can be how great their relationship is,
It can be how much they’ve grown in their own personal development,

There’s so many ways that we can measure our own feelings of “success”.

Yet we can be so busy striving for all the “things”, that we can end up losing ourself and our deeper values and “why” along the way.

For me, checking in on how much joy I’m experiencing, lets me know I’m in alignment with myself.

And most importantly, that the energy that is driving me each day, is coming from a place of fullness, wholeness and joy.

Otherwise, we can be on the “striving, proving, needing to achieve more and more in order to be enough” hamster wheel, our entire life……

And by all means we can even be very successful in the eyes of everyone else, but actually never, ever feel that deep feeling of success for ourself.

This is why I love to check in on Joy.

How much joy am I experiencing each day?
How much fun and enJOYment am I having along the way?

Or am I rushing, stressing, trying to get it all done and in that energy, actually missing out on the JOY of the journey and the joy of where I am right now in my life.

Remember everyday is a mini-version of our life.

If we are constantly stressed, rushing, pushing, trying to tick off the lists to finally get it all done, then really, what’s the point of it all?

I’ve found by pausing for a moment, to ask myself powerful questions, such as “What would bring me joy today?” or “What would feel joyous today?” or if that feels like too much of a stretch, “What would feel like relief today?” and moving towards that, or actioning that thing, will bring me back into alignment with myself each day.

Even taking the time to ask yourself, the deeper reason “why” you perhaps want to achieve your bigger goals, or do the things on your “to do list” will give you a deeper connection with yourself and fuel you emotionally with a more joyous energy and deeper purpose and meaning.

Wishing you a JOYFUL and super wonderful day,
Love and Blessings,

Sal x

If you would love to experience more JOY in your life, my new book “A JOYFUL LIFE” will be launching in the coming months!!! I’m so excited to share this book with the world, it has all my greatest wisdom, from my own personal experiences and all that I’ve learnt over the years, that I originally wrote, as a legacy to give to my two gorgeous daughters.

I can’t wait to share it with you! For more details on this and to get some great FREE trainings, as well as my “Power of Gratitude Course” for FREE! (Valued at $47)

Click here to join!

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